Welcome to Deposit Services with Global Finance Bank.
Thank you for opening your new account with Global Finance Bank. We look forward to serving you.
The following pages contain important information you need to know about your Accounts, and Products that you may hold or purchase from Global Finance Bank Company. As these terms and conditions cover more Accounts and Products than you may be currently using, certain sections may not presently apply to you. If you enroll in, or acquire, additional Accounts or Products in the future, your use of those Accounts or Products will indicate your acceptance and agreement to the terms and conditions herein that relate to those Accounts and Products. If any of the General Terms described in Section 1 below conflict with a term or condition relating to a specific Account or Product, then the term or condition specific to that Account or Product will overrule the more general term or condition, but only to the extent necessary to resolve the conflict.
These terms and conditions replace any existing agreements between you and Global Finance Bank Company relating to your Accounts and Products.
If you have any questions regarding the terms and conditions, please call us in Vancouver at +44-208-638-6313, toll free: 1-+44-208-638-6313 or email us at Info@globalfinancialbankplc.com.
In exchange for Global Finance Bank agreeing to provide the Accounts and Products, and offer services relating to the Accounts and Products, you agree and accept the following terms and conditions as they apply to you: